Overview of Estonia’s Research and Innovation System


The purpose of the background report was to provide a comprehensive overview and assessment of Estonia’s research and innovation system to the European Commission. The overview included the structure and organization, management and funding, development, and other aspects of the research and innovation system. An assessment was provided on the management of the Estonian research and innovation system, the funding system for research and higher education, and external financing over a period of 10 years.

Main results

  • The most significant driver of economic development and growth is innovation, particularly innovation based on research and development (R&D).
  • The capabilities necessary for creating innovations are needed for the national innovation system to learn, develop the necessary human capital, stay abreast of international advances in science and technology, and maintain its productivity and competitiveness.
  • Innovators typically do not innovate alone but within national and international innovation systems that involve multiple participants and institutions. Therefore, policymakers must ensure that the combination of policies related to various parts of the system is balanced and that interventions across the entire innovation system are coordinated.


Quantitative data and analysis, as well as document analysis, were used in the preparation of the background report.

Project contracting authority: European Commission
Project implementers: Technopolis Group Estonia and LevelLab
Duration: 10/2018 ‍– 02/2019

Analysis of the Implementation of the Qualifications System


The qualifications system is part of the Estonian qualifications system – it connects the education system with the labor market and contributes to the development, assessment, recognition, and comparison of work-related competencies. The implementation of the qualifications system has been regulated by the Vocational Qualifications Act since 2001, and the system consists of four parts: the qualifications framework, vocational standards, awarding of vocational qualifications, and the vocational register.


The aim of the study was to determine the expectations of the participants in the qualifications system, their readiness for implementing the reform, and the transition to a skills-based approach, as well as to identify the potential challenges and risks associated with the planned innovations.


During the study, the qualifications system used in Estonia was compared with the experience of other countries. Interviews and focus groups were conducted with direct and related stakeholders of the qualifications system to assess the readiness and expectations of the participants:  applicants for vocational qualifications, issuers of vocational qualifications, educational institutions, learners, stakeholders involved in the development of vocational standards (including employers and professional associations), career counselors, qualifications system specialists, and policymakers. During the study, risk assessment was also conducted to ensure the realism and feasibility of the innovations.  


As a result of the study, input was obtained for the renewal of the legal system underlying the implementation of the qualifications system and for the implementation of a skills-based qualifications system.  

Project contracting institution:  Ministry of Education and Research
Project implementer: LevelLab
Duration: 03/2023 – 10/2023