Model for Evaluating the Impact of Cultural and Sporting Events


Cultural and sports events have diverse impacts, including economic, social, cultural, and environmental aspects. These events increase Estonia’s attractiveness in the eyes of both domestic and international tourists, promote local culture and sports life, and help enhance Estonia’s reputation worldwide. Various models have been developed to assess the socio-economic impact of events, but they often lack a social dimension. Additionally, the impact of media visibility associated with events on the image of tourist destinations is inadequately evaluated, and the application of these methodologies for events held in larger cities is complex.


The aim of the study is to develop a methodology (tool) for assessing the socio-economic impact, including the influence on Estonia as a tourist destination, of internationally appealing cultural and sports events held in Estonia. This includes assessing the image of Estonia as a tourist destination, and allowing for future reassessments. In addition, the methodology will be piloted based on 20 events, and proposals for the implementation of the methodology will be developed.


LevelLab will pilot the model at 20 events, where three target groups will be surveyed: foreign and domestic tourists, the local community in the areas where the events take place, and businesses. In addition, personal interviews will be conducted with organizations organizing the events and representatives of local governments in the event locations, focus group interviews will be held, and secondary quantitative data will be analyzed.


A decision-making tool  for cultural management will be developed to facilitate the planning of individual events. In addition, the tool can be used to enhance Estonia’s positioning and reputation as a tourist destination.

Project ordering institution: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications
Project implementers: LevelLab and Roheline Rada
Duration: 08/2023-12/2024