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Evaluation of the Performance-Based Round for Labour Market Services


Population aging is currently the main demographic trend in both Estonia and Europe, which, coupled with deepening labor shortages, requires effective measures to integrate older adults into the workforce. Through European Union support measures, the Results-Based Call Measure 3.2 was implemented, focusing on enhancing the employability of individuals aged 55 and older. Prior to announcing the call for proposals, the funding scheme for supported activities targeting the older age group was also amended, implementing simplified reimbursement methods – fixed-sum payments and standardized unit costs.


The aim of the study was to assess the relevance, effectiveness, impact, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability of the approach/funding scheme used, and to provide recommendations for organizing call for proposals in the future.


The study employed both qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis methods, including document analysis, quantitative data analysis, interviews, and a validation seminar. The purpose of the interviews was to gather in-depth input for evaluating the relevance and effectiveness of the program. The interviewees included grant recipients, project participants, representatives from the Ministry of Social Affairs, and representatives from the State Support Services Centre.


As a result of the study, the justification for the results-based approach in open call tenders for employment policy implementation was identified, and suggestions were made for future improvements in organizing results-based grant schemes in the field of employment policy.

Project ordering institution: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications
Project executor: LevelLab
04/2023 ‍– 12/2023