The startup ecosystem of Ida-Viru: looking back and forward


Startup Estonia implemented a three-year pilot program in Ida-Viru County aimed at creating a favorable environment for the development of startups in the region. The program involved 23 organizations and attracted nearly 21,000 participants. Significant interest and the registration of 14 new startups indicate the region’s potential. The follow-up project for the years 2022-2025 focuses on sustaining the entrepreneurial environment in Ida-Virumaa, aiming to create more new startups and promote collaboration with the creative industries sector.


The aim of the study is to gather necessary input regarding the current state and challenges of the Ida-Viru startup ecosystem, which could be used for planning future ecosystem development activities. Evaluation of the impact and quality of the project activities since 2019.


The work will involve using multiple data collection and analysis methods. Document analysis will help assess the impact and quality of the previous pilot project, providing input for evaluating the current status and future development opportunities of the Ida-Viru startup ecosystem. Surveys will assess the awareness and readiness of Ida-Viru residents for entrepreneurship, and analyze the views of participants in events organized by startup support organizations on the Ida-Viru startup ecosystem. Focus group interviews will be conducted with providers of all types of services (such as incubators, accelerators, coworking spaces, and event/conference organizers) as well as representatives of startups operating in various sectors.


The results of the study will help to understand the current situation and challenges in the Ida-Viru startup ecosystem and provide input for planning and improving future development activities and projects.

Project contracting authority: Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications
Project implementer: LevelLab
10/2023 ‍– 03/2024

Evaluation of the Performance-Based Round for Labour Market Services


Population aging is currently the main demographic trend in both Estonia and Europe, which, coupled with deepening labor shortages, requires effective measures to integrate older adults into the workforce. Through European Union support measures, the Results-Based Call Measure 3.2 was implemented, focusing on enhancing the employability of individuals aged 55 and older. Prior to announcing the call for proposals, the funding scheme for supported activities targeting the older age group was also amended, implementing simplified reimbursement methods – fixed-sum payments and standardized unit costs.


The aim of the study was to assess the relevance, effectiveness, impact, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability of the approach/funding scheme used, and to provide recommendations for organizing call for proposals in the future.


The study employed both qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis methods, including document analysis, quantitative data analysis, interviews, and a validation seminar. The purpose of the interviews was to gather in-depth input for evaluating the relevance and effectiveness of the program. The interviewees included grant recipients, project participants, representatives from the Ministry of Social Affairs, and representatives from the State Support Services Centre.


As a result of the study, the justification for the results-based approach in open call tenders for employment policy implementation was identified, and suggestions were made for future improvements in organizing results-based grant schemes in the field of employment policy.

Project ordering institution: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications
Project executor: LevelLab
04/2023 ‍– 12/2023